Class 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Hughes

Mrs Bradley

Year 1 ( Summer half term 2)

Welcome back to our very last half term together! The year has really flown by and we hope the children have enjoyed their time in Year 1 as much as we have! They have been an amazing class to teach and we will definitely miss them all next year!

Below we have outlined some of the activities that we will be undertaking this half term:

Our new book in Literacy for this half-term is called “Goldilocks and Just the One Bear” which is a lovely sequel to the traditional tale. We will be trying hard to form all of our letters correctly in preparation for Year 2 when the children will start to use leading lines and join their writing. We will also be writing independently using clear sentences with full stops, capital letters and connectives and re-reading our work to check it makes sense.

In Numeracy, we will be working with numbers to 100, money and learning to tell the time using o’clock and half past.

In Science, we will be learning about growing plants and hopefully brightening up our outside area with some of our creations!

In Art, we will be focusing on painting and observational drawing and in DT, we will be making healthy snacks.

In PE, we will be developing our aiming and dribbling skills with Mrs Hughes on Mondays and running skills on Wednesdays with Mrs Bradley in preparation for Sports’ Day which takes place on Friday 12th July. The children will require trainers for both PE sessions and Sports’ Day as well as water bottles! Please could you check that your child’s footwear fits properly and will not fall off with Sports’ Day in mind?

We will be completing our learning about toys in the past in history lessons before finding out about the coast and key features of seasides in geography lessons. With this in mind, it would be lovely if you could find photographs of your children at a seaside for us to talk about.

The children will also receive three PHSE lessons this half term as part of the whole school Christopher Winter project. In Year 1, the children will learn about growing and changing, keeping clean and begin to name male and female body parts.

We hope this is helpful and gives you an insight into our topics this half term! Thank you very much for all your support and encouragement this year. The children have all come such a long way and we will endeavour to help make their transition into Year 2 as smooth as possible. Please do not hesitate to come to see us if you have any questions. Our door is always open!

Mrs Bradley, Mrs Hughes and Miss Sadler


From September, due to the small size of the Year 2 classroom and cloakroom, bookbags, which fit in trays, and draw-string PE bags, which can be hung neatly on pegs, would be preferred to rucksacks for health and safety reasons. Any rucksacks can be re-used again in Key Stage 2.


Important dates this half-term:

Week beginning 10th June – Year 1 Phonics Checks

Week beginning 10th June – FOHS Wrapping Room for “Marvellous Men”

Friday 14th June – Class photos

Friday 21st June – FOHS Non-uniform day (in exchange for items for our bottle tombola)

Week beginning 24th June: Transition (tbc)

Saturday 29th June – FOHS Highfields Academy 50th Anniversary Summer Fair

Friday 12th July – Sports Day ( 9:30am start for Key Stage 1 )

Thursday 18th July – FOHS Summer Disco (Pre-School and Key Stage 1 – 4.30-5.30pm)

Friday 19th July – Reserve Sports’ Day

Tuesday 23rd July – Last Day in Year 1

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