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At Highfields Academy we strive to ensure that mathematics is relevant and applicable to the needs of children and their future role in society, as well as fostering an enjoyment for maths as a subject. We predominantly use White Rose Maths resources in maths lessons.


Daily maths lessons incorporate challenging mental maths activities, practical problem solving and consistent opportunities to secure the basic concepts of mathematics related to the four operations. We have a strong emphasis on mental maths in order for children to apply their knowledge and skills to a variety of challenging work. Standard written methods are taught progressively as laid out in our calculation policy. At different times children will work individually, in pairs, in ability groups and as a whole class.

The use of Maths games, investigations, problem-solving and practical activities consolidate learning. In this way children can not only work out the correct solutions, but can develop the ability to explain their thinking, apply their understanding to new situations and work with confidence. 


The information below provides an overview of coverage for mathematics during each term. The objectives are split into units and, although these units are allocated an order and suggested teaching time, teachers will us their assessment of pupils to judge the most appropriate time to teach each unit and the time taken to deliver the objectives effectively. Teachers also like to enhance the learning of the pupils by providing engaging contexts through cross-curricular links and therefore some units will be best taught at certain times of the term. Therefore, at some points in the year, there will be teacher discretion at the order in that some topics are taught.



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