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Class 3 2024 - 2025

Mr Fowler


This half term, the children’s writing will be based around the book ‘”Big Blue Whale” by Nicola Davies. The objective of this unit of work is write an informative article about whales persuading for the protection of the blue whale.

Alongside our English lessons, we will continue to be having daily spelling lessons. From this half-term, we will also be now having daily grammar lessons and three times a week handwriting sessions. 


At the start of this half-term, we will be finishing off our length unit of work with particular focus on perimeter. We will then be moving onto fractions and finally mass and capacity.


For this half-term the class will be reading one book – Charlotte’s Web by E.R. White. This is the story of a little girl named Fern, who loves a little pig named Wilbur - and of Wilbur's dear friend, Charlotte, a beautiful large grey spider. This is a story about the power of friendship, and celebrating what makes everyone special. It is rightly heralded as one of the greatest children's books ever written.


Our PE days will still be Monday and Tuesday

For this half-term, we will be working on our basketball and tennis skills. We will start to venture more outside so please ensure that children have a warm hoodie.

Other Information

This half-term, in Geography, the children will be learning about Europe. I will also be planning homework where the children will have to research about one European Country.

In Science, the children will be finishing off their Rocks topic and moving on to Forces and Magnets (one of my favourite topics).

In PSHE, the children will be focussed on Rights and Respect. They will be looking at how to earn money and how they can help the environment.

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