Class 3 2023 - 2024

Miss Hartropp

Mrs Cooper

Welcome back to are final half term together! This year has gone by very quickly and although we haven’t taught the class for the entire year, they have been an absolute pleasure to teach.

We have lots of exciting things planned this half term and we can’t wait to get started.

In Literacy we will be looking at a new book ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’ by Diane Hoffmeyer.

We will also be introducing a class novel called ‘An alien in the jam factory’ by Chrissie Sains, which we will be reading daily and completing questions on twice a week. After reading the novel over the holidays, we know that the children are going to enjoy the book just as much as us.  


In Maths, we will be first looking at ‘Time’ then followed by ‘Shape’ and then ‘Statistics’. Alongside this, the children will continue to work on their timetables weekly in class. It is important that the children practice their times tables regularly at home. They all have an account for Times Tables Rock Stars that they can access on a phone or tablet at home.


Our History this half term will be looking at the history of the ‘Romans’. We will take park in full day Roman workshop on Thursday 13th June to introduce us to the history of Roman life.


Our PE days are still Tuesday and Wednesday (Swimming). PE kits can be worn to school on these days.

In addition to our workshop we will also be going to Xplore! Science Museum on Monday 15th July. The children will get to explore the museum aswell as take part in a science activity.  


We thank you for your continued support at home, listening to your child read at least 10 minutes every day, helping them practice their times tables on Time Tables Rock Stars and homework. Homework will continue to be set on Fridays and due in the following Wednesday on Atom Prime. Spellings will also be given out on Fridays connected to the spelling rule we have learnt that week. Just a reminder there is no spelling test each week, but a spelling check at the end of each half term so it is important that spellings are practiced. 



If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by email. 

Mrs Clothier: [email protected] (Mon, Tues) 

Mrs Cooper: [email protected] (Wed, Thur, Fri) 



Key Dates: 

Monday 3rd June – INSET Day

Tuesday 4th June – School starts

Thursday 13th June – Roman Day!

Friday 14th June – Class Photos

Thursday 20th June – Sport drop down day (children to come to school wearing PE kit)

Friday 21st June – FOHS Non-uniform day

Saturday 29th June – FOHS Highfields Academy 50th Anniversary Summer fair

Friday 12th July – Sports Day (Subject to change if weather is bad)

Monday 15th July – Yr 3 Xplore! Science museum trip

Tuesday 23rd July – School finished for summer

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