Class 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Richards

Hello everyone,

Summer 2 Information

Well I cannot believe that we are into our last half-term for this Year - it has absolutely flown by!

The second summer term is always very busy but Year 4 have their Multiplication Tables Check.  This is going to be delivered in the second week back. Those children who are absent in that week will be given the check in the 3rd week. Please can you encourage your child to practise their times tables (daily if possible) until they take the check as we would like them to feel as confident as possible.

We will also be doing the Christopher Winter project (Sex Relationships Education).  In Year 4, this covers the following objectives:

  • To explore the human life-cycle
  • To identify some basic facts about puberty, reproduction and pregnancy
  • To learn about the physical changes associated with puberty

The lessons are well-pitched for the children's age, but if you would like to ask any questions about the program then please email me.


Curriculum information is as detailed below:

PE will now be on a Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning and we will be doing Athletics and Rounders.

As for last term, you will be having Mrs Jackson to teach Spanish, and you will have Mrs Walker to teach Art and RE.

Homework:  We are continuing to use Atom Prime for homework.  If you have forgotton your login details then you will need to reset your password using your personal email. We are unable to do that for you.  Each week, your child will get a maths, reading and grammar piece of homework.  The questions are adapted to your child's responses and there are videos and help-buttons to assist if your child is struggling.  All work set is designed to support the work that we are doing in class.

Children are also expected to read at home most days for between 10 - 20 minutes.  This will build their 'reading miles' which has multiple benefits for their Literacy plus have a positive effect on other subjects.  Please could you encourage your child to do this or, even better, read with them.  They are not too old for this and it is a great way to discuss the books that they are reading which, in turn, will help with their comprehension skills.  Please have a look at the tips on reading for pleasure at home (document below).

It is very important that your child reads books from different genres.  Here is a link to a website that lists suitable books by age but it also gives details of the genre for each book.  If your child reads similar style books by the same author, they will not be exposed to the range of vocabulary needed to progress effectively with their reading.


As always, please feel free to contact me via email if you need advice or help with anything.

[email protected] 

Mrs Richards :)

Subjects for this half-term:

Literacy: Pathways scheme.  Book:  Blue John by Berlie Doherty

Class reading novel:  Rumaysa Radiya Hafiza

Numeracy: Shape, Statistics and Data Handling (White Rose)

Science: Sound

History: Rainforests then Brazil (country study)

Art: Mrs Walker - Drawing and Digital Media

DT:  Sewing - Lavender Bags

PE: Rounders and Athletics

RE: Mrs Walker - The Bible teachings and world view

PSHE:  Christopher Winter Project (SRE) and Growing and Changing (Coram Scarf)

MFL:  Spanish - Body Parts and Movements/Feeling Unwell

ICT:  IT Skills

Music: Charanga - Rewind and Reflect


Things to remember:

Monday -

Tuesday - Athletics/Rounders

Wednesday -  Homework due in

Thursday - 

Friday - Athletics/Rounders, Homework set





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