The Butterfly Room

“To promote school readiness through the consolidating of skills and challenge while having lots of fun!”

 At Little Crickets, our Butterfly Room is for our older 3 year olds and our 4 year olds. It is set up with various areas of continuous provision that each lend themselves to the areas of learning in the EYFS, allowing skills and abilities to be consolidated through play. We plan our environment from your child's interest but also skilfully adding areas of interest that have the intention of either teaching new things, consolidating current knowledge or skills or next steps in a child’s learning.

As children settle into the room, the focus moves towards getting children ready for school. This does not mean that we sit and do reading and writing but we fully understand what schools want children to be able to do when they start school. This include things like being able to dress themselves, go to the toilet independently, being confident in knowing nursery rhymes, able to follow simple instructions, share and take turns.

Children learn by exploring, concentrating and thinking, and carefully planned, fun activities, along with our daily routines ensure children gain the skills they need for school and future learning.

Meal times in preschool are relaxed social events where staff support them to learn table manners, to use correct cutlery properly, and to develop an understanding of what constitutes a healthy diet so that they develop skills in making healthy choices. Children develop social skills and engage in animated conversations with their friends.

Children are encouraged to go to the toilet on their own; with staff supporting where needed. They are encouraged to look after their own personal hygiene by washing their hands.

Your child’s key person will continue to share information with you so that we can meet their needs and also so that we can plan activities which support what they are learning and enjoying at home.

Some of the routines and adult-led activities in preschool are:

Self-Registration: This helps children to recognise their name and also supports their transition from your care into ours.

Wake and Shake: As well as being fantastic fun and getting children in a positive frame of mind, the session supports the development of children’s large and fine motor skills which are essential in preparation for sitting still and writing when they start school.

Group Times: These times include discussions, story times, singing sessions, games and Makaton lessons. Group times in preschool increase in frequency and variety so that children get used to listening and to speaking in turn.