Class 2 2023 - 2024

Miss Addis

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to Summer 2! 

This half term our Geography unit is called 'Paddington'. We will be investigating Paddington's home country of Peru, looking at the physical and human features of the captial city, Lima and comparing it to where we live.

In Literacy, we will focus on the book 'Grandad's Secret Giant'  by David Litchfield. This book will form part of the Pathways Literacy scheme of work.

In Maths, we will be continuing our work on fractions and moving onto time. We'll be providing lots of practical resources for the children to access to support them with this. 

Our Science topic this half term is ‘Plants’. We will be describing how plants that have grown from seeds and bulbs have developed over time, identifying plants that grow well in different conditions and spotting similarities and differences between bulbs and seeds.

PE this half term will be on a Tuesdays and Fridays. The children are welcome to come to school in their PE kits, making sure they are wearing the correct uniform (Red Highfields top and Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms with trainers).

Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in by the Wednesday of the following week. This will be published on Tapestry.

Some children will be having extra catch up sessions in Phonics and Spelling. These sessions will be fun but with a clear focus and are intended to help by giving confidence to write and spell through games and a variety of spoken and written activities.

For this half term, Miss Addis’ PPA time will be on Thursday afternoon. During this time Mrs Walker will be teaching Year 2 RE and Art.

It is very important that the children continue to read regularly at home, as this builds up their fluency and will continue to build on their comprehension skills. Please remember to record any reading completed at home in your child/children’s reading diary.  To develop your child/children’s thirst for books, reading to your child and discussing stories develops their range of vocabulary and their love for books.

Don't forget Tapestry is our main way of communication. 

I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask. My door is always open.

I am looking forward to having a fantastic year with all your children.

Kind Regards,

Miss Addis

Key Dates:

Week beginning 10th June – FOHS Wrapping Room for “Marvellous Men”

Friday 14th June – Class photos

Friday 21st June – FOHS Non-uniform day (in exchange for items for our bottle tombola)

Week beginning 24th June: Transition (tbc)

Saturday 29th June – FOHS Highfields Academy 50th Anniversary Summer Fair

Friday 12th July – Sports Day ( 9:30am start for Key Stage 1 )

Thursday 18th July – FOHS Summer Disco (Pre-School and Key Stage 1 – 4.30-5.30pm)

Friday 19th July – Reserve Sports’ Day

Tuesday 23rd July – Last Day in Year 2

Below, are some suggested websites for fun maths games that link to the Year 2 curriculum. Enjoy!

   (We are working at level 2)



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