Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hughes
Mrs Bradley
Reception Autumn term 1
Welcome to Highfields! We hope you had a lovely summer and can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures. We are all looking forward to getting to know you and helping you settle into school life here! However, we must say that you have made a fantastic start and we are so proud of how you have come into school so far! You have all been superstars!
Over the first few weeks, we will be gradually introducing routines and helping you to find your way around the classroom and school.
All you need to bring to school each day is a coat (in case it rains), a water bottle, a lunchbox (if you are not having a free school lunch) and your book bag which will be stored in your tray as our cloakroom is quite small. At breaktime, we have free fruit but you are welcome to bring in a healthy snack. Free milk is also provided.
In addition, please could you bring in PE kits at the start of each new school week. This half term, our PE lessons will be on a Wednesday, starting during the second week, with Mrs Bradley and Mrs Gardner. On Wednesdays, please come into school in your uniform and we will be changing into our PE kits at the start of the lesson after lunch. We will keep PE kits in school during the week in case plans change for any reason and send PE kits home each Friday so that they can be washed. Please make sure that all clothes are labelled so that we can reunite any items with their owners quickly. For health and safety reasons, earrings must be removed or covered during PE lessons.
On Tuesdays this half term, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Gardner will be taking you outside for Forest School lessons and outdoor learning. Forest School will take place outside whatever the weather so please could you come into school wearing old clothes on these days like leggings, trousers or jumpers that you don’t mind getting dirty as well as a waterproof coat. You can wear trainers or shoes and then change into appropriate footwear such as wellies. If you have spare wellies for these sessions, please could you label them clearly and send them into school so that they are available.
We have met our Year 6 buddies who will read and share stories with you each week during our Buddy Time. They have each written you a letter which we have sent home in your book bags! We are very passionate about reading at Highfields and would encourage you to share books at home as much as possible. Little and often is best! Listening to stories and talking about them will develop your love for books and is also a good excuse to snuggle up together at the end of a busy day!
We hope this is helpful and look forward to working with you all. We will be holding a 'Meet the Teacher' session on Wednesday 11th September at 3.30pm when you will be able to come and see our classroom and we can update you with our new routines and expectations for the year.
Kind regards,
Mrs Hughes (Mondays and Tuesdays), Mrs Bradley (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays) and Mrs Gardner (our fantastic teaching assistant)
If you have any questions, no matter what they are, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do my best to help in any way we can.
Key Dates:
2nd September – INSET day
3rd September – First day in Reception
11th September – “Meet the teacher” session – 3.30pm in Reception classroom
12th September – PHSE day – Life Education bus
24th October – Last day of half-term
25th October – INSET day
4th November – First day back after half-term