Reception 2023 - 2024

Mr Fowler

Welcome back to our last half-term! Where did the time go? This half-term is very busy so here are some of the important dates for your diary.

10th June – Father’s Day Wrapping Room

19th June – Superhero Day

w/c 24th June – Transition

27th June – Library Visit

29th June – FOHS Summer Fair

12th July – Sports Day

23rd July – Last Day of School

Literacy Lessons

This half-term, the children’s Literacy lessons will be focused on ‘Supertato’ by Paul Linnet and Sue Hendra. I know with some of the children it’s a very popular book and they get a lot of enjoyment from it.

Superhero Day

On the 19th June, to link in with our book,  thought we could have a day where the children (and staff!!!!!) come dressed up as a superhero (or a supervillain). The children can come dressed as a real superhero (if you know what I mean) like Batman, Captain Marvel etc. or one the children can make up themselves; Treeman, Weathergirl or simply come dressed up as mummy and daddy.

PE lessons

For this half-term, PE will still be on a Tuesday and again I will be supported by the school specialist PE coach, Mr. Gibbons. Most lessons will be outside so as well as bringing trainers, can the children please also have sun hats and their water bottles on that day. If the weather is hot, they will be taking regular breaks during the lesson. If the weather is too hot, then we may move the lesson to a different part of the day or another day.

Sports Day

The lessons will be very focused on getting the children ready for sports day. The event will take place on the 12th July. For Reception and Key Stage 1 children, their event will run from 9:30 to approx. 11:30. So can all children come in their PE kit on this day. At the event, for safety reasons, we do have the children on one side of the track and parents etc. on the other. When the event is over, the children will be led back into class. We do discourage parents coming across to see the children at any time during the event as on occasions it can upset some children when the parents have to leave. It is a fun event and you are all encouraged to cheer along (and no booing and there will definitely not be a teachers’ race).

Weather and sun cream

With the weather forecast to be quite hot over the next few weeks, please can you ensure your child brings in a hat and a filled water bottle. Some of the children have brought in sun cream rollers which are fantastic as they are easier to apply than normal sun cream.

Library Visit

On the 27th June, the children will be visiting the Nantwich Library. I will send a letter out in the next couple of weeks explaining more. The children will be walking to the library. If there are any parents or grandparents who are able to make the afternoon and are able to help, it would be much appreciated.

Reading Buddies

The children in Foundation have become quite attached to their reading buddies in Year 6 and vice versa. With the Year 6s leaving Highfields for good, it appears to be common practice for them to buy a present for their buddy and this is often reciprocated. There is no requirement or pressure to do this but it might be worth asking your child if they want to do this in advance.


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