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Welcome to our RE page. From September 2023 our curriculum for RE is based on the agreed local syllabus Engaging Encounters, Reasoned Responses, Connecting Communities. The syllabus has been written by SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) and will be in place until 2027.

This syllabus contributes dynamically to children and young people’s education by provoking challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of life and death and issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

The syllabus is based on 6 ‘Golden Threads’:

God the world and self: What do people believe about God, the world and the self?

Authority: Who/what do people follow? Why? How do people interact with sources of authority?

Personal Belief: How do my personal beliefs affect the way life is lived?

Marking life’s journey: How does my worldview affect how I mark life’s journey?

Religious/Non-religious Worldview in the wider world: How does my worldview relate to the wider world?

Belonging: What does it mean to belong to a Religious/Non-religious community?


Please refer to the documents below for further information about how this curriculum will be implemented in our school.

Withdrawal from RE:

Parental right of withdrawal from RE was first granted in 1944 when curricular RE was called ‘Religious Instruction’ and, as such, had connotations of induction into the Christian faith. RE is very different now. It takes account of world faiths and non-religious world views so that children can learn about and from religious traditions without being inducted into those traditions. In the UK, 70+ years later, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own RE. This RE provision will be the parents’ responsibility. This right of withdrawal exists for all pupils in all types of school, including schools that do and do not have a religious designation. Parents can also exercise the right to withdraw their child from part of RE, and can do so without giving any explanation.

We strongly believe that our RE curriculum will benefit all pupils in our school. However, if you wish to withdraw your child from all or part of our RE curriculum please contact Simon Dyson (Headteacher): [email protected].

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