Class 6

Mr Strefford

Mr Strefford

Year 6 Class Page


Welcome back, I hope you've enjoyed a wonderful break. The fiinal half of the Summer term is full of exciting events such as the visit to Ilam Hall and the Leaver's assembly.

In Literacy, we will be reading our new class book 'When the sky falls' by Phil Earle - link here. This is our daily read and the year 6s are enjoying the novel. The class are also finishing off the writing curriculum by completing activities involving the use of dialogue. There is a BBC Bitesize link for further information about the subject.

In Maths, we'll be continuing with shapes - see BBC Bitesize link for more information. The class will then be studying some post SATs money and enterprise related maths problems.  We will be using the White Rose reasoning questions  to gain a solid understanding of these topics. Year 6 will be completing a daily mental maths starter and a Big Question most Friday mornings. 

Science lessons will continue with investigations into Light. Our main focus will be will studying how light can be created and used. The class will be completing investigations using light and improving their skills working scientifically.

In History, we will look at the culture of China and the Shang dynasty. We will focus on the main historic features of this time including key events, timelines and studying primary and secondary evidence.It follows on from the Chinese geography topic last term. We will also gain a better understanding of the culture and traditions of China. Click on this link for more information. Additional information and videos can be found on this BBC teach Shang dynasty link.

On a Monday afternoon Mrs Jackson will be teaching French.On a Thursday afternoon the class will have Mrs Cooper for Forest school ( Old clothes needed on Thursdays!) and Friday afternoon Mrs Walker will be taking the class for DT/Art. O  Mr Proctor will be taking the class for Drumming lessons every Thursday morning. There will be a new drumming performance at the end of the Summer term!

All day to day communication with children and parents will be via TEAMs at the moment, please ensure your child has an up to date login to access this programme. All homeworks will be set through ATOM PRIME. Homework goes out on a Thursday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. However, there will be occasions when I will set a two week research based homework. Children are also encouraged to regularly use the TT Rock Stars x table app as well as read daily.

PE is on Monday afternoon and Thursday (FOREST SCHOOL) this half term, children will be expected to wear their PE/Forest school kits on those two days. 

The Year 6 residential to Ilam Hall is booked in for Monday 10th June, a letter and information about payments has been sent out from the office. Previous Year 6 classes have visited the YHA venue for a number of years and have always thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 

Please contact me through [email protected] if you have any questions related to Year 6.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Strefford

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