
Highfields Academy is part of Concordia Multi Academy Trust and we operate under the Trust's governance model and operate a Local Academy Board. 

If you are interested in becoming a representative of our Local Academy Board, please visit: 

Our Governance Professional can be contacted via email [email protected]

Sarah Matthews

Sarah Matthews


Parent - Term ends 12/05/2026

I was appointed by Parents in 2018, and as of 2020 I am proud to assume the role of Chair.

All members of our Local Academy Board (LAB) have specific responsibilities; in 2023/24 my focus is on SEND and Quality of Education.

I am married to Alex and we have three children who have all attended or currently attend Highfields.

I am a Scientist and have enjoyed working for Shell since 2007. I lead a diverse global team of scientists and engineers who deliver the Lubricants R&D Program and provide expert technical support to the business. I oversee a long-standing collaboration with Imperial College London and lead delivery of performance benefits to our new partners, British Cycling. I am a keen advocate for STEM subjects but also have relevant experience in leadership, recruitment, contracts and procurement, and HSE.

I am passionate about the importance of Primary Education in giving our children the best start in life.

As Chair of Governors, I will work in partnership with the Head and Leadership Team to provide the best education and experience for all children at Highfields.

If you wish to contact me, please get in touch with the school office via [email protected]

Lyndsay Lawson

Lynsay Lawson


Co-opted - Term ends 27/09/2026

I have two sons who attend Highfields. I recently joined the Local Academy Board. I have a passion for education and learning and feel my background in teaching will help me to complete this role effectively. I have a focus in computing and technology, often referred to as my geeky side!  

On the LAB my specific areas of responsibility are Quality of Education, Early Years and Pupil Premium.

Jenny Aspinall

Jenny Aspinall

Co-opted - term ends 10/11/2027

I am a qualified teacher and have taught at Malbank School and Sixth Form College for the last 12 years.  I am currently Head of Lower School and am responsible for the pastoral care of all children in KS3.   My LAB responsibility is to monitor Safeguarding and report back to the Board. I share my expertise in the pastoral sector with the team.

On a personal level I have recently completed a National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership and a master’s degree in education.


Jenni Ogden


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Iain McGregor

Vice Chair

Co-opted - Term ends 03/12/2025

I have worked primarily in IT Management positions, which has given me relevant experience for my role on the LAB to help guide and advise the school wherever possible.


Michael Pawelczuk

Co-opted - Term ends 03/07/2027

Both of my children attend Highfields Academy, where their experience has been excellent and as a result, I have a vested interest in ensuring the school provides a safe, supportive, and inclusive education space for all children to develop in their early education. I was appointed to the governing body in the Summer of 2023, focusing on the quality of education, and I am enjoying the challenge of seeing the workings of a school from a different perspective.

I have over twenty years of professional experience in logistics and transport, and currently work as a Logistics Manager across multiple manufacturing sites in Europe. Some of the key attributes I bring to the table include my enthusiasm for learning and personal growth, and my forward-thinking, creative approach to crafting long-term strategies. With this combination, I hope to be able to help make balanced decisions with the team to support the school and ensure it continues to provide a great environment.

Kate Richards

Staff - Term ends 31/07/2024

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Adam Strefford

Co-opted - Term ends 15/10/2025

I have been a qualified teacher for 21 years.  In this time, I have taught in a range of schools, from inner city Bradford to the leafy suburbs of Cheshire. I am Deputy Headteacher at Highfields Academy with specific responsibility for Pupil Premium, staff appraisal and subject leadership.

In my spare time I like to take part in outdoor activities such as kayaking and running.

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Neil Trotter

Parent - Term ends 28/03/2026

 I joined the team to hopefully add value to the school utilising some of my experiences and career skills. One of my roles is to review Health & Safety at the school and the grounds, if you have any feedback or improvements, you think are needed in this space, please contact me. 

My day job is in logistics where I am the Transport Director at Boughey Distribution Ltd. in Wardle, working with grocery manufacturers and suppliers distributing their stock to food retailers. 

Paul Uttley

Paul Uttley

Co-opted - Term ends 23/05/2026

I have spent most of my working life involved in education, from teaching in the 1970s to educational publishing in the 1980s and 1990s.

Since 2001, I have been running medium sized businesses, but have retained the link to education through one of these.

I was keen to be a part of Highfields LAB to offer the experience I have and became involved with Highfields when it was an independent MAT. I have been impressed with what I have seen and wanted to continue my association with the school.